Instructions for authors

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Consignes aux auteurs
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Instrucciones para los autores
Kemennoù d’an oberourien
Richtlinien für Autorinnen und Autoren


According to the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), authorship and co-authorship are based on the four following criteria:

1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

3. Final approval of the version for publication; AND

4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Authors and co-authors must therefore be identified as such.

À tradire. Didactique de la traduction pragmatique et de la communication technique’ also recommends that authors refer to the CRediT taxonomy to identify co-authors’ contributions, as well as any other contributors that do not meet the above-mentioned criteria and who are identified in the credits. The annex to this page contains a short presentation of this taxonomy, its implementation guidelines as well as a list of roles.

Other useful links on the subject: CoopIST (CIRAD) in French, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in English.

Language policy

As ‘À tradire. Didactique de la traduction pragmatique et de la communication technique is primarily intended for a French-speaking audience, each issue will feature a majority of contributions in French. To reach out to a broader audience, authors of research articles are requested to write an abstract in English as well as in French, and in one or more languages of their choice, including the title and keywords in those languages. Abstract length must not exceed 1,000 characters, including space signs.

The editorial committee believes that multilingualism is an asset for science and that authors are more creative when allowed to write in their native language. The committee is therefore open to proposals for contributions in other languages, provided it can identify and work with two impartial reviewers who are both experts in the field and in the language, in the case of academic articles, and at least one editor or proofreader for other types of contributions. Authors will then be asked to write a long abstract in French covering at least 30% of the initial volume of their article.

Articles in English


Article presentation is to be kept as straightforward as possible:

Layout: A4 format, 2.5 cm margins throughout, 1.25 cm header and footer.

Font: Linux Libertine Display G or Liberation Serif, font size 12, single line spacing.

Indent new paragraphs, which will automatically be numbered once online.

Footnotes must use the same font, size 10.


Indicate the title of the article, the name of each author and a biographical note no longer than 1,000 characters, space signs included, specifying their position, the institution or company they work for and their field of expertise and/or research.

Also provide an abstract, no longer than 1,000 characters, space signs included, and keywords, with their translation into English and in one or more languages of the author’s choice (see linguistic policy section above).

For translations, add the note ‘Original publication in [language] in [full reference of the journal or book]. Translation: [translator(s)](; revision: [revisor(s)]).’

Text of the contribution

Section numbering is as follows:



1. 1.


No more than three heading levels should be used.

Do not add references to subheadings in the text itself (e.g. see I. A.) as their numbering is likely to change. Use ‘see below’ or ‘see above’ or abridge the heading title in question if necessary.

Text volume should be between 20,000 and 50,000 characters, space signs included, i.e. a total of 3,300 to 8,300 words for an article in English, not including abstracts, keywords and bibliographic references.

Use of italics is for work titles, foreign expressions or words (Latin phrases, etc.). Terminology designations mentioned as examples should be put in italics when in a foreign language and between quotation marks in English. If many examples are used, they should appear in list or table form.

Bold characters and underlined text should be used only where necessary.

Acronyms are capitalised without full stops, e.g.: NGO, WHO, NHS, except for some acronyms that are written with an initial capital, e.g.: Unesco.

Centuries should be written using numerals, followed by “th”: 19th century.


  • first: 1st

  • second: 2nd

  • third, fourth, etc.: 3rd, 4th, etc.

  • Mister: Mr.

  • Missus: Mrs. or Ms.

No space before colons, semi-colons, question marks, exclamation marks and percentage signs (: ; ? ! %), between English quotation marks and the quoted words, or before and after dashes. Add an unbreakable space between a number (up to four figures) and its unit (13 kilos), between days and months (24 November), as well as between the month and year (24 November 2007), and before and after mathematical symbols. Four-figure numbers and above are separated by commas in increments of three digits, decimals being separated with a point (2,345,400.54).

For all typographic conventions, refer to the APA styleguide, MLA Styleguide or any other authoritative styleguide, as long as it is applied consistently throughout.


English quotation marks (either single or double) should be used: ‘…’ or “…”.

Use single quotation marks (“… ʻ…’…”) for quotations within quotations.

Also use square brackets when within round brackets: (… […]…).

Use both opening and closing quotation marks, round brackets, square brackets and dashes.

Highlight long quotes (over three lines long): separate paragraph, left indent, font size 10.

Use square brackets when the quote is discontinued or changed or contains an embedded comment: ‘The quote […] should then be written as follows.’

Quotes in a foreign language should be printed in italics, with the English translation following the original text, and in a separate paragraph if the quote is to be emphasised. If the translation is from an existing publication, add the reference and add it to the bibliography. If it is written by the author of the article, write it following the original bibliographic reference. For other cases, specify the source.


Both coloured and black and white tables, graphs, charts, illustrations and photographs are acceptable.

Images can be in PNG or JPG format and must have a minimum width of 480 pixels. It is up to the author to seek authorisations to reproduce any document already published from the copyright holder (editor or author).

Footnote references

Footnote references must be placed after any punctuation sign:

This is an appropriately placed footnote reference.1

For quotes, the footnote reference must appear within the quotation marks if the footnote refers to the quote only.

If the footnote refers to the entire sentence, it must be placed after the closing quotation mark.

Do not add a footnote reference (e.g.: refer to footnote 15) because their numbering may change. In this case, write: see below or see above.


Footnotes include additions, details about the text and not the bibliographical references.

Presentation conventions:

  • Use Ibid. instead of ditto when the reference is similar to the previous one: Ibid.: 25.

  • p. instead of pp. when referring to page numbers

  • § instead of §§ or par. when referring to a paragraph

  • et seq. instead of et s.

  • Website URLs are to be checked and presented as follows: [], viewed on 7 July 2020.

Bibliographical references

References should feature in the bibliography and be presented according to the ‘Presses universitaires de Rennes (PUR)’ template, except for typographical norms. References to a bibliographical reference appear in the body of the text as follows: (Author [et al., as applicable], date: page or paragraph); e.g., (Chesterman, 1994: 92).

Reference presentation examples:

1 Footnote example.


Ar Rouz David, 2016, “À la poursuite du diamant glaz : le standard breton”, in Ulrich Ammon, Jeroen Darquennes and Sue Wright (Eds.), Standardisierung von Sprachen: Theorie und Praxis / Language standardisation: theory and practice / La standardisation des langues : théorie et pratique, Sociolinguistica, 30, Berlin, De Gruyter, p. 145-173.

Bordet Geneviève, 2013, “Brouillage des frontières, rencontres des domaines : quelles conséquences pour l’enseignement de la terminologie et de la traduction spécialisée”, ASp, 64, [], viewed on 5 August 2016.

Cabré Maria Teresa, 1998, La terminologie. Théorie, méthode et applications, translated from Catalan and adapted by Monique C. Cormier and John Humbley, Paris, Masson and Armand Colin.

Champsaur Caroline and Rochard Michel, 2011, “Ergonomie et appropriation : un exemple d’évolution de l’utilisation des outils de traduction”, Traduire, 224, p. 7-13, [], viewed on 29 August 2017.

Chesterman Andrew, 1994, “Karl Popper in the translation class”, in Cay Dollerup and Annette Lindegaard (Eds.), Teaching translation and interpreting 2. Insights, aims, visions. Papers from the Second Language International Conference Elsinore, 1993, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, p. 89-95.

Collombat Isabelle, 2016, “Doute et négociation : la perception des traducteurs professionnels”, Des zones d’incertitudes en traduction, Meta, vol. 61, No. 1, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, May, p. 145-164.

Depecker Loïc, 2002, Entre signe et concept. Éléments de terminologie générale, Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Durieux Christine, 1988, Fondement didactique de la traduction technique, Paris, Didier Érudition.

García de Toro Cristina, 2006, “La traducció juridicoadministrativa entre castellà i català”, in Esther Monzó (Ed.), Les plomes de la justícia. La traducció al català dels textos jurídics, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Pòrtic, p. 101-109.

Gariépy Julie L., 2013, La collaboration en terminographie. Étude de cas comparée de la terminographie collaborative et de la terminographie classique, Masters’ thesis directed by J. Quirion, defended at Ottawa University, Ottawa, [], viewed on 23 November 2016.

Gouadec Daniel, 1997, Terminologie et phraséologie pour traduire : le concordancier du traducteur, Paris, La maison du dictionnaire, Terminoguide, No. 3.

Le Bourdon Cécile, Bratteby Björn, MacLachlan Graham et Swyer Rupert, 2015, Analyse des données sur les pratiques professionnelles des métiers de la traduction en 2015, Paris, SFT, [], viewed on 29 August 2017.

OTCT (Optimising Translator Training through Collaborative Technical Translation), 2014-2017, Rennes, Université Rennes 2, [], viewed on 8 February 2022.

Schreiber Michael, 2002, “Austriazismen in der EU: (k)ein Übersetzungsproblem?”, Lebende Sprache, No. 4/2002, p. 150-153.

Documento allegato

  • CRediT
    (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | 45k)

    Description of the CRediT taxonomy


1 Footnote example.


Isabelle Toudic

Daniel Toudic

Diritti d'autore

Licence Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 International – CC BY 4.0