The À tradire. Didactique de la traduction pragmatique et de la communication technique journal publishes academic articles and other contributions on the didactics of pragmatic translation and technical communication. Its primary focus is therefore on the education and training of language service professionals. It aims to become a forum for any stakeholders in this teaching and learning process.

À tradire is published on the Pergola platform and was founded with the support of the French National Fund for Open Science (FNOS). It is part of the REGOSO project, one of the 22 projects awarded funding under the FNOS’s first call for proposals launched in 2020 to promote open science publications.

2 | 2023
La didactique de l’interprétation : quels développements ?

Dialogue interpreting: didactic experiences and approaches

Interpretazione dialogica: esperienze e approcci didattici

Edited by Caterina Falbo and Pascale Janot

Ce numéro est consacré à la didactique de l’interprétation de dialogue (ID). Les aspects qui y sont mis en évidence sont les suivants :

  • une formation de base et non professionnelle en ID pour des étudiants et étudiantes universitaires en apprentissage de FLE ;
  • une approche à la formation fondée sur l’analyse d’une pièce de théâtre et visant la mise en lumière des aspects interactionnels ;
  • le recours, dans un but de formation professionnelle, à des jeux de rôle inscrits dans une approche plus vaste qui intègre l’analyse d’interactions réelles en présence d’un ou une interprète, y compris la « méthode du jeu de rôle en analyse conversationnelle » (Conversation Analytic Role-play Method, CARM), et l’analyse de la littérature ;
  • une sensibilisation des étudiants et des étudiantes aux aspects interactionnels dans des contextes particulièrement sensibles.

This issue is devoted to the teaching of dialogue interpreting (DI). The aspects addressed concern:

  • basic and non-professional training in DI within BA courses in which such training runs parallel to the teaching of French as a foreign language;
  • the approach to training based on a stage play analysis that highlights interactional aspects;
  • the recourse to role-plays within a broader approach that also takes into account the examination of interpreter-mediated interactions by means of the Conversation Analytic Role-play Method and the analysis of the literature in a professionalising perspective;
  • raising students' awareness of the interactional aspects characterising highly sensitive contexts.

Questo numero è dedicato alla didattica dell’interpretazione dialogica (ID). Gli aspetti messi in luce riguardano:

  • la formazione di base e non professionale in ID in corsi di laurea triennale in cui tale formazione va di pari passo con l’apprendimento del FLE;
  • l’approccio alla formazione basato sull’analisi di un’opera teatrale con evidenziazione degli aspetti interazionali;
  • il ricorso a giochi di ruolo inseriti in un approccio più ampio che contempli l’analisi di interazioni reali mediate da interprete anche attraverso il Conversation Analytic Role-play Method e l’analisi della letteratura con un intento professionalizzante;
  • la sensibilizzazione di studenti e studentesse agli aspetti interazionali in contesti particolarmente sensibili.